Apozy & Your Remote Workforce
Now that most of the world is working from home, cyber thieves are looking to exploit new corporate vulnerabilities. Apozy Airlock protects companies impacted by COVID-19 for free for the first six months.
Home Computer Vulnerabilities
Employee activities result in over 40% of all cybersecurity incidents. That percentage may rise in companies where workers are now using home computers, unsupervised and removed from safety and security processes that keep company data and systems secure.

Protect the Browser, Not the Device
Web browsers are arguably the most used portal for Internet access, which makes them the most common portal through which cyber thieves gain access to company information. When workers access business files and records through their home browser, it collects that information. Without appropriate cybersecurity layers, thieves can steal information from both the at-home worker and their employer.

Start with Apozy Airlock
Apozy Airlock uses a petabyte-scaled database of threat indicators to analyze the websites that users are viewing. When an employee seeks access to a compromised website, Airlock isolates it and converts it into 'read-only' web pages. They can then get the information they need without giving access to the corporation's databanks. Airlock is free for six months to companies affected by COVID-19, regardless of size.
Get Started
The most trusted companies in the world use Apozy - you can too. Get in touch and we can schedule a demo.